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Adeline's journey

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Posted in Uncategorized on March 8, 2016 by ariegel

Sorry haven’t been on in a little while, life you know! Adeline is though three rounds of chemo and doing great! She is not really acting sick after and her blood counts have stayed normal with the last two rounds. I can’t be happier about how she is doing, I really hope we got this thing beat. I am lucky to be surrounded by family and friends who I know love her as much as I do and are so supportive of our journey. It is also great to have a place like this to come to and know that there are other people who know the struggle and for that I say thank you!

I’m so sorry to see the post about the ones who have not made it, it truly breaks my heart. Cancer just sucks!

On a happier note I received my Tripawd mom necklace and it is so beautiful!!! I can not be more pleased with how it turned out!


Posted in Uncategorized on February 4, 2016 by ariegel

Just thought I would post an update. Addie is doing good. Her 10 day post chemo blood work was good. The white blood cell where down some but still ok. The docs tell me this means the chemo is working.  She will get a CBC done the day before her next treatment to make sure it is still good enough. She did have a pretty good fall the other day going out the back door. She was so exited she ran down the steps to fast and stumbled. She is fine just banged up her chin a little. I have such a hard time slowing her down!  I am glad that she feels so good. Here are some pics of her first time playing ball as a tripawed. It’s just in my back yard and I only threw it a couple of times but she was so happy. Playing ball is her most favorite thing. addie ball addie out


Posted in Uncategorized on January 26, 2016 by ariegel

Just wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome! Addie had a rough couple of days after the chemo but is back to her normal self today. I’m so glad she feels better she really had me worried. She is adjusting really well and very quickly. She was only walking on three legs before surgery so I think that really helped her.  I also want to introduce myself a little more. I have worked as a vet tech for the past 15yrs, I also have a Min Pin “Sophie”, African grey”Sid”, fish and 2 hamsters “Sammy” ” Martini”.DSCN1525DSCN1279 DSCN1321157IMAG0039

New here

Posted in Uncategorized on January 24, 2016 by ariegel

Hello my name is Amy and my dogs name is Adeline or Addie. She is an almost 7yr old Doberman who was diagnosed the day after Christmas with histiocytic sarcoma of the right front leg. She had her amputation two weeks ago and started chemo yesterday.

Hello Tripawds!

Posted in Uncategorized on January 24, 2016 by ariegel

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Adeline's journey is brought to you by Tripawds.