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Adeline's journey

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New here

Hello my name is Amy and my dogs name is Adeline or Addie. She is an almost 7yr old Doberman who was diagnosed the day after Christmas with histiocytic sarcoma of the right front leg. She had her amputation two weeks ago and started chemo yesterday.

7 Responses to “New here”

  1.   linda8115 Says:

    Welcome Amy & Addie! Congrats for getting that first chemo done already. Sounds like so far your recovery is coming along great! If you can we’d love to see pictures of your beautiful girl. Love those Dobies with such expression in their faces.
    Linda, Ollie, Riley and Spirit Mighty Max

  2.   dobemom Says:

    Hello Amy and Addie from a fellow Dobe-lover! My guy Nitro had his front leg amputated when he was 8 1/2 from osteosarcoma; we are now 19 months into the journey and he’s doing great! Our blog is “Doberman’s journey” if you want to check it out. And yes, like Linda said…we need to see pics!

    Welcome to the family..

    Paula and Nitro

  3.   benny55 Says:

    Hi Amy and Addie!

    Glad to hear Addie is recovering well It’s still early in recovery. You’ll be amazed how much more of her sparkle comes back in a other couple of weeks!

    Sorry you find yourself here, but, under the circumstances, there is no better place ro be for support and understanding. Savor each day and don’t worry about tomorrow! Addie is staying in the moment and soaking up all that loving and spoiling you are giving her!

    We have other Dobie members here who are doing really well and handling three legs like champs!

    When you can, we would love to see photos of your sweet Adeline!

    Sending lots of hugs!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  4.   molliemoo Says:

    Hello, Amy and Addie! I am glad to hear your chemo treatment has gone well!! Keep up the good work. Please keep us updated on your journey.
    Miss Mollie Moo and Family

  5.   jerry Says:

    Amy and Addie welcome! Sorry for the diagnosis but thanks for starting a blog, we can’t wait to follow along on your adventures. ANd you know what? We have another brand new member who also just got diagnosed with histio. Stop by and bark hello! Here’s their blog:

  6.   juliedarling Says:

    Hi Amy and Addie.
    Sorry that you are going through this but you have found a wonderful community to support you on your journey. Keep us posted and don’t hesitate to reach out. I was new here in October and I can’t imagine what I would have done without the members of Tripawds. Buddy is almost 3 months post Amp and doing great! Hang in there and keep us posted!

    Julie and Buddy

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