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Adeline's journey

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Just wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome! Addie had a rough couple of days after the chemo but is back to her normal self today. I’m so glad she feels better she really had me worried. She is adjusting really well and very quickly. She was only walking on three legs before surgery so I think that really helped her.  I also want to introduce myself a little more. I have worked as a vet tech for the past 15yrs, I also have a Min Pin “Sophie”, African grey”Sid”, fish and 2 hamsters “Sammy” ” Martini”.DSCN1525DSCN1279 DSCN1321157IMAG0039

7 Responses to “Thanks!”

  1.   dobemom Says:

    the whole pack is beautiful! especially Addie! so happy to meet you all. Us Dobie lovers have to stick together! Where are you located?

    Paula and Nitro

  2.   jerry Says:

    What a pawesome pack! I’m thinking you guys are a lot of fun. Glad things are going better for Adeline. What do you think did the trick?

    •   ariegel Says:

      I don’t think on thing did the trick I think she just felt better that the chemo was though the GI tract. I did give her cerenia and that did help.

  3.   leland4 Says:

    Welcome Addie and the gang!! Your whole group is quite adorable but Addie is a beauty! I’m glad things are going well for your sweet girl.
    I too am a huge fan of the Doberman breed. Leland was my first purebred and the one in my avatar pic. Sadly he passed away at only 4 1/2 years old. I now have Lucian (my little terror ) who will turn 2 years old in May.

    Thanks for sharing your sweet girl with us and I look forward to see more pics!

    Sahana and her Angel Leland and Lucian too

  4.   benny55 Says:

    Such a pleasure meeting the rest of your adorably diverse pack!! Love them! Love their names too! What type of fish do you have?

    Sounds like the chemo gave Sadie a couple of side effects. Yep, that can happen! Glad she bounced back quickly. Did the vet give you Cerenia for nausea? If the side effects are too strong, the Bet can adjust the dose or spread the treatment out a little further in between if necessary.

    Addy is absolutely beautiful!

    Keep us posted on her progress. It gets better and better!

    Hugs to ALL!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  5.   benny55 Says:

    Oops! AddIE!!! Not AddY! 🙂

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